How to Save Money this Easter | Aspire Money

Top Tips for a Fun Filled Thrifty Easter

With Easter only a few weeks away it's time to start organising those bank holiday plans! Many of us will be counting down the days until that four day weekend, when there's no better time to treat yourself to some chocolate! But if you're struggling for cash or trying to stick to a tight budget this time of the year can prove to be a bit of a worry. Here are some top tips on how to have a great time this Easter whilst still watching those pennies:

1. Organise an Egg Hunt for the Kids (and the adults!)

Your kids are most probably looking forward to two whole weeks off school! But when you're on a budget it's not always easy to keep them occupied without breaking the bank. However an Easter Egg hunt can be a fun, affordable and traditional way of celebrating Easter – shop around and find the best offers on Easter chocolate. Stock up and get hiding them in your home and garden. You could even bake some cookies or cupcakes for the lucky winner.

2. Budget Easter Eggs with a Difference:

Buying Easter Eggs for all the children in the family can seem like a costly prospect but if you shop around and find out where you can get the best deal you could save yourself a fortune. Another option is to buy cheap, plain eggs, buy some icing and get the kids to decorate them for the rest of your family.

If you're feeling really brave you could even pick up a few Easter egg moulds, grab some affordable chocolate and make your own Easter eggs this year!

3. Easter Sunday Dinner:

If you're feeding your whole family this Easter, the thought of all that money, not forgetting slaving away in the kitchen for hours could really put you off! Everyone wants to save money where they can – why not ask your family members to provide a course each. Your sister could be in charge of starters while your mum and dad are in charge of bringing the dessert.

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